
An Internally Renowned Animal Communicator and Healer for Meri and Bobbi

Meri has been with me since September 8 and despite my best efforts and therapies tried so far she has not made any progress.  She has literally been sitting in my room, under my bed table, in a constant state of fear and panic for closing in on two months. That is on me, not her, as she wants to heal, I just haven’t brought her the right tools yet.

President Pam and I were strategizing on what to try next, and we decided we needed to kick things up a notch and bring in an animal communicator.  DISCLAIMER – if you have never worked with an animal communicator this is the part where you go “wow, you guys are bat shit crazy” and if you have worked with an animal communicator in the past you go “wow, that is a perfectly normal thing to do and I can’t wait to hear more”

I have an animal communicator I have worked with for years, and when that person was not available, President Pam said she would reach out to one that she knows, and never in a million years did I think we would hit the jackpot that we did.

Because she is President Pam, President Pam’s person just so happens to be an internationally renowned animal communicator and healer who was available with her class to talk with Meri, Bobbi, and I on Tuesday night at 8PM.  Would that time work for us? Heck yes, that time is perfect, what do you need from me?

I raced home from work and logged into the video chat I had been provided not sure what the “class” part was, but if this amazing woman was willing to help us, I was game.  I had no idea what an incredible experience was ahead for us.

As it turns out the “class” part was Meri, Bobbi, and I had been invited to join an Advanced Training Class for Animal Communicators and had the once in a lifetime opportunity to have 13 students from across the country do a reading for both Meri and Bobbi AND I had a front row opportunity to watch this incredibly talented woman teach and guide these wonderful students in their work.

For two hours I furiously scribbled notes, smiled, laughed, and wiped away tears as everyone perfectly captured both Meri and Bobbi’s personalities and gave me hope that there was hope for both of them.  They could not have described each of them more clearly had they been living here with us all along…Bobbi was way more outgoing and further along in her healing. She was still processing all the “new” around here, but was open to receiving each new experience as it came along and she was more than happy to eat anything I provided her along the way.  Meri on the other hand was terrified….a loving, beautiful girl, who literally could not process anything that was happening to her. Her old life was so loud, and so dirty, and so stressful, and she feels safe in my room, in the quiet in the dark. She wants to learn about her new life, but is just so afraid and everything is so new, she didn’t know where to start.  

I thanked the students and their amazing teacher for inviting us to their classroom and sharing their time and talent with us.  We talked about various energy healing therapies- EFT/Emotional Freedom Technique and T-Touch, and the Teacher said to just let Meri be for a few days and let this experience sink in.

I am not sure who this whole thing was more profound for as immediately after thanking the class and Communicator Teacher from the bottom of my heart for helping us, I dove head first into the Communicators website, You Tube Feed, and downloaded two of her books.  

I had heard of EFT/Tapping in the past, but had not gotten that much into it.  I let Meri be for the rest of the week (aside from one experiment sitting in her pen and attempting to hold her which did not go so hot…..) and then this afternoon, came across a video on YouTube the Communicator did tapping on a dog who had been in a shelter in LA for two years.  I figured “what the heck, lets give this a whirl”, just streaming the video for the audio and then me tapping along on the same acupressure points as the person in the video. 

I am going to hold off to see if the impact of that one short session is what I think it is as within moments after, Meri acted differently than she ever has in the past.  It is too soon to tell, but I am going to keep my fingers crossed.

No matter what happens, both Meri and Bobbi have been placed here with me for a reason.  I need reminding that things don’t always happen on a schedule. Despite my best efforts, all of life cannot be neatly broken out into a spreadsheet to be managed, quantified, and tracked.  These beautiful souls are here to teach me important lessons, so it is my job to slow down, pull my head out of a computer, and not just listen, but hear what they have to teach me. So far, they have led me to some amazing people with amazing talents with things I can learn to hopefully help not just Bobbi and Meri, but other DRSF dogs as well.

Stay tuned as we dive further into EFT/Tapping!